Friction world (Live music video)
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Live music video for "Friction world" by Lorenzo's Music
We recorded this video of the song live from our recording studio using OBS, Ardour, Droidcam, and Kdenlive. All open-source tools for live streaming and recording.
"Friction world" is the theme song for a movie soundtrack we're working on.
The song has a gritty and raw sound reflecting the story with dirty guitar, broken drums, bass, baritone saxophone, and interludes of French horn and violin on synth.
The vocals are growling and longing, expressing the feeling of being lost and alone in a cold, dark, and gray world. The lyrics are simple but effective, conveying a sense of nostalgia and regret for the things that got old and far away.
The song is released under a creative commons license, meaning anyone can use, copy, redistribute, adapt, remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
The song was made using only open-source recording software Ardour on Ubuntu Studio, a computer operating system for musicians and artists.