"Friction world" by Lorenzo's Music
Listen to the song:
"Friction world" by Lorenzo's Music is the title track for an upcoming indie film release. Known for our lo-fi self-production and being active in the Creative Commons community we got the opportunity to write songs for a film project.
Each song we're making for the project is a variation of the same core melody.
Friction world includes a dirty guitar and broken drums and bass with interludes of French horn, violin, and baritone sax. The song's grittiness and growling longing vocals capture the story's mood.
Get the recording files
You can clone the Ardour DAW recording session files from our GitHub repository and reuse and remix the song.
Clone on GitHub here https://github.com/lorenzosmusic/friction-world
This song is released under Creative Commons so you are free to:
Share — use, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or format
Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
Friction world by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0