New Lorenzo's Music album out now... And Free!

It's here! The new album "Bazar" by Lorenzo's Music.

Here is a review of the new album by Tom Laskin of The Isthmus:

Bazar, from longtime cabaret rockers Lorenzo's Music, is a surreal sonic safari that finds leaders Tom Ray and Mark Whitcomb fiddling about with both discombobulated pop tunes and slew-footed R&B-inflected rockers that owe a lot to everyone's favorite ash can saint, Tom Waits. The CD's bass-heavy lead cut, "Old Old Story," has a bittersweet swagger about it that ought to appeal to both Waits fans and the legions of folks who were thrilled by Leonard Cohen's mid-life move into contemporary cabaret fare.

The same is true of the louche rumba "All's Good That Ends Well." As always, Lorenzo's stylish, gravel-voiced singer Ray is in complete control of his striking pipes as he dips and sways through a fractured musical landscape peopled by beautiful losers, tempestuous lovers and twisted back-alley creatures who look good even when they're falling hard.

The CD's packaging may be simple, but don't let that fool you. These guys are one of the most sophisticated outfits in the area. If they were based on one of the coasts, they'd be penning soundtracks.
You can listen to the new album on the player at the website or download the album for free in the audio section.

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Creative Commons License
Bazar by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.

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