"Rainy day friction" by Lorenzo's Music

picture of a woman with a cartoon face

Listen to the song

"Rainy Day Friction" (3rd song for a film soundtrack project we're working on) is a melancholic song. Sparse piano, strings, and bass set the pace, while vocals, baritone sax, and organ create an ASMR-like crescendo in the chorus, evoking feelings of longing for a scene in the movie.

Get the recording files

You can clone the Ardour DAW recording session files from our GitHub repository and reuse and remix the song.

Clone the song on GitHub here - https://github.com/lorenzosmusic/rainy-day-friction

This song is released under creative commons so you are free to:

Share — use, copy, and redistribute the material in any medium or format

Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

Our latest song

Our song "If I was alone" is available now! Listen anywhere you stream music. Click here to listen

This work by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0