Lorenzo's Music Interview on Linux Rig

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After our article in Forbes about being an open source band, we've been getting a lot of love from the open source and Linux community. Which is awesome!

I was contacted by Linux Rig to talk about the Linux set up we use and also about how we started using open source software to create and record.
I used to use a bunch of proprietary software for artwork and I heard about this operating system that had all of this open source software built into it and I was curious. So I tried it out.
- Lorenzo's Music on linuxrig.com
Thanks Steven Ovadia for taking the time to contact me!

- Tom

Here is a link to the full interview - https://linuxrig.com/2019/03/20/the-linux-setup-tom-ray-lorenzos-music

Our latest song

Our song "If I was alone" is available now! Listen anywhere you stream music. Click here to listen

This work by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0