S01 Episode 7: Ashlinn Nash, Musician, Cyberwaste - Lorenzo's Music Podcast

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One person that contacted me about being on the podcast was an electronica musician from England.

We had actually spoken to each other in the fall when we originally recorded our interview but if you’ve been listening to the show you’ll remember that somehow I accidentally lost or deleted that file or something?

So we got online and recorded another interview. She releases music under the name Cyberwaste and I talk to her about her new album, her musician promotional company called Trial N' Error Productions and another musical project she has called Rose Astronaut.

Cyberwaste website - https://www.cyberwastemusic.com
Trial N' Error Productions - https://www.facebook.com/trialnerroruk
Rose Astronaut - https://www.facebook.com/Roseastronaut

Our latest album

Lorenzo's Music "Lorenzo's Remixes, Volume 1" is available now! - listen anywhere you stream music. Click here to listen


This work by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0