S01 Episode 6: Erich Eickmeyer, Ubuntu Studio - Lorenzo's Music Podcast

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In this episode, I get to meet Erich Eickmeyer Council Chair at Ubuntu Studio.

When we recorded our "Rom-Comm Mixtape" release we decided to try an do the whole thing using only open source tools and software. We even got a write up in Forbes because of it.

We ended up using a Linux distribution called Ubuntu Studio. We chose it because it's an entire computer operating system that comes preloaded with tons of free software for musicians, artists & filmmakers.

I reached out to the Ubuntu Studio Facebook page to see if anyone would be interested in talking about the project on the podcast because I wanted to support them for what they've done.

Check out Ubuntu Studio for yourself at https://ubuntustudio.org

Ubuntu Studio Facebook Page

Our latest song

Our song "If I was alone" is available now! Listen anywhere you stream music. Click here to listen

This work by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0