Apple Removes Lorenzo's Music Mixtape From Store Because Of Descriptive Titles

I was told recently that the link to our ROM-COMM MIXTAPE in both iTunes and Apple Music store shows this message:
"Item Not Available The item you've requested is not currently available in Apple Music in the United States."
When I emailed about it, I was told that Apple:
"has more rigorous rules and it would be necessary [to] remove the information of the musical instruments in the name of the tracks so that your album can be distributed to this store."
Apparently, Apple frowns upon creative expression and can tell you how you should title the music you create. Who knew? Certainly not us since they never even sent us a notice explaining they took it down.

So we are resubmitting the mixtape and it should be available again soon, with the abridged titles.

Update: Apple has accepted the abridged titles and the mixtape is back in their store. On a side note, every other music outlet allowed the way we chose to title our songs. I'm just sayin'. -Tom

Our latest song

Our song "If I was alone" is available now! Listen anywhere you stream music. Click here to listen


This work by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0