Demon Stratin’ On Yule Toobin’ » Sleeperberth Cast

It's that time of year again. And our version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman" from years back is popping up on the podcasts again.

Here it is on the Sleeperberth Cast, described as "Where tired Truckers need to go before they go to hell." Check it out.
Topics Covered: The “proper” use of chains. More on Monovision and other types of multifocal contact lenses. You Tube and the desire for technology to “just work” as opposed to geeking on it.
SC #205 Demon Stratin’ On Yule Toobin’ » Sleeperberth Cast

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Our latest song

Our song "Blue water friction" is available now! Listen anywhere you stream music. Click here to listen


This work by Lorenzo's Music is licensed under creative commons CC BY-SA 4.0